Links to ParaPara Websites
EuroPura's Website
EuroPura has been one of Singapore's earlier groups and till now they have
done well to promote Para Para in Singapore. What does it take for them to
have such a feat? How are they like? Click on that link!
Kakeru's Eurobeat Hi-NRGst ParaPara Online
A website dedicated to Para Para, created by another fellow Paralist in the
world. This site features Live Radio which consists of Eurobeat music so you
may go have a go at it!
--= PPPManiaX =-- Home of PaRaPaRa Fusion
A relatively new website dedicated to Para Para from one Paralist in the USA
(I think). Do not expect too much of it yet because as at today (1st May 2002)
it does not have much stuff but still expanding...probably the thing to look
out for is the Videos Section! :)
- Para Para Land
The official Hong Kong Para Para website. Features some videos and lessons.
- Para Para World
Another Hong Kong based website that covers HK news and plenty of lyrics are
- Para
Para AllStars (Avex)
The Para Para AllStars Homepage.
- Para Para Paradise (Konami -
Para Para Paradise, the arcade game created by Konami.
- Pharmaco
A page that roughly teaches you some Para moves using gif pictures. Hehehe
- Derick's Homepage
One of the top-notched pages in the WWW that has Para Para lessons and stuff.
Go figure!
Links to Eurobeat Websites
Rodgers Music
If any Paralist does not know him, he/she should not be called a true Paralist.
Known and hyped as the God of Eurobeat in the hearts of many, Dave has done
much to the world of Eurobeat with his way of singing and music production.
Worth taking a look!
DeltaDance Online
Again, many Paralists should know what place this is. Wait, doesn't that sound
familiar? Haha...DeltaDance has many artistes under their belt, and those
included D.Essex, Cherry, Mako, Niko and many others!
Eurobeat Records Collection
This place might not be known to many, but you may find some surprises here!
Live Music
In case you may be wondering this might *just* be yet another Eurobeat site...well
quite true. Hehe I know I'm talking crap but anyway, Live Music is the home
of Bazooka Girl and Franz Tornado. Hehe :)